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Past WordWork™ Lectures and Panels by A. D. Coleman


  • June 16, 1999, Annual Writers’ Conference, Marymount Manhattan College, NY: Lecture on issues of copyright, contract negotiation and subsidiary-rights licensing, followed by a panel discussion.

  • June 8, 1999, Annual Members' Meeting, American Medical Writers Association, NY: Lecture on issues of copyright, contract negotiation and subsidiary-rights licensing, followed by a panel discussion.

Past panel and symposia appearances:

  • April 18, 2001, 1-2:30 p.m., "The Economics of Publishing," Annual Writers' Conference, College of New Jersey, Trenton, NJ: NWU-sponsored panel on writers' rights, with Todd Pitock and Eric Lerner.

  • March 28, 2001, 6-8:30 p.m., "NWU Freelance Writers' Guide," Jefferson Market Library, New York: NWU-sponsored panel on writers' rights, with Joan Bertin, Marie Shear, Raphael Tennenbaum, and James Waller.

To inquire about particular topics, to place your name on a mailing list for advance notice of my upcoming lectures, workshops, seminars, and panels, to obtain more detailed information about listed events, or to arrange to book appearances at your school or institution, contact:

Reiko Soucoupe
Imago Lecture Bureau
P.O.B. 040078
Staten Island, NY
10304-0002 USA

T./F. (718) 447-3091

Imago Lecture Bureau is a division of CODA Enterprises, which provides full-service representation to makers of intellectual property. Please visit our Website, CODA Enterprises Online, to learn more about us.

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Copyright © 2001 by A. D. Coleman. All rights reserved. For reprint permissions contact Image/World Syndication Services, POB 040078, Staten Island, NY 10304-0002 USA;T/F (718) 447-3091,