In WordWork:
Survival Strategies for the Professional Writer, long-time freelancer A. D. Coleman (a founding member of the national Writers Union) presents valuable information, hard-hitting polemics, and informed commentary on the practical and political issues confronting all those who write for a living. |
Pine: The Writings of Earl Coleman offers
ample selections from a half-century's worth
of this two-time Pushcart Prize nominee's
widely published poetry, fiction (including
both short stories and novels), jeremiads,
a bibliography-in-progress, and more. |
Sepoy Rebellion Online spotlights a collective of performing poets based on Staten Island, the southernmost and remotest borough of New York City. The group's members include Allan Douglass Coleman, Marguerite Maria Rivas, and Wil Wynn. |

Florentine is home base for The Nearby
Café and its director, and also a
space in which al fresco concerts, poetry
readings, spoken-word performances, writing
workshops and other events occur.
A section of the Café's bookmarks list,
Jump City: Hot Links,
offering our favorite literature-related and
writing-related sites elsewhere on the Web. |