Nearby Café Home > Literature & Writing > Villa Florentine > The Derrière Garde

Villa Florentine Artists' House & the Garden Variety Poetry Series
Just like the Riviera (except for the view . . . ) — A. D. Coleman, Prop.

The Derrière Garde and Pink Haitun get married! (e)
Wedding Album a b c d e f

TDG and PH together 1 2 3
Derrière Garde home I Pink Haitun home

The couple exchanged rings, after which they were pronounced husband and wife. The attorney who married us in this civil ceremony, Man Kwok Leung, Esq., performed admirably, but neglected to tell Allan that he could kiss the bride. So Allan asked permission to do so, to which the attorney, nonplussed, replied, "Of course!"

Allan puts Anna's ring on her finger.

Anna puts Allan's ring on his finger.

Allan receives legal permission from Man Kwok Leung to kiss Anna.

The first married kiss.

Husband and wife.

The new family: Allan, Anna, Jacky.
The wedding party (l-r): Rebecca and Abraham Lam; Jetman Zhao and Huang Weiking; Yuan Hongmei; Yuan Hongying; Allan Douglass Coleman (a/k/a The Derrière Garde); Anna Lung (a/k/a Pink Haitun); Jacky Lung; Michael Tsang; Tim Tsai.

Allan and Anna sneak in another kiss before heading to the reception.

Background music for top-right video: "Cocoon," by Björk.

(Videos on this page by Jacky Lung. Photos by Yuan Hongying, except for group shot, by Anonymous.)

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© Copyright 2006 by A. D. Coleman. All rights reserved.