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New and Upcoming at the Cyberarchive

Below you'll find links to the many of our initial offerings at the Photography Criticism CyberArchive. These new entries appear on the menus of the CyberArchive subsections you can access via the pull-down menus for Authors, Categories, Subjects, and Titles. They will also come up in searches using the CyberArchive search engine. We've included indications of what we plan to add to this CyberArchive at the beginning of the next quarter.

  • The complete text, with approximately half the illustrations, of William Henry Fox Talbot's The Pencil of Nature, launched into cyberspace for the first time.
  • The bill presented to the French government's Chamber of deputies that won for L. J. M. Daguerre (and the son of his partner, Nicephore Nipce) compensation for donating their version of photography to the world.
  • Lady Elizabeth Eastlake's prophetic 1857 report on the medium's first two decades.
  • All three of Oliver Wendell Holmes's meditations on photographs -- plus a relevant poem.
  • Five chapters (in the original French) from Nadar's autobiography, When I Was a Photographer (1900).
  • Selections from the controversial books by Jacob Riis that brought issues of poverty in the U.S. to public consciousness, and prompted changes in many laws.
  • An extensive selection of texts on the Photo-Secession and other subjects by the nonpareil critic Sadakichi Hartmann -- the largest selection thereof by far on the web.
  • An assortment of credos, manifestos, critiques, and other writings by Alfred Stieglitz.
  • A sampling from Charles Caffin's Photography as a Fine Art (1901).
  • Four poems about photography, optics, and seeing by Edgar Lee Masters from his classic Spoon River Anthology (1916).
  • A cluster of book and exhibition reviews by Nancy Brokaw.
  • The complete text of A. D. Coleman's long out-of-print 1977 critical survey, The Grotesque in Photography, plus a substantial sampling of his other writings and lectures.
  • A hard-to-find essay on Margaret Bourke-White's World War II books by her first biographer, Jonathan Silverman.
  • Joel Eisinger's important research into the impact of photojournalist Charles Moore's Civil Rights movement photographs of the 1960s.
  • A remarkably cogent analysis of photojournalism, documentary, and power relations in media representation by Subcomandante Marcos of the Zapatistas.
  • The collected works (almost) of the redoubtable Bay Area critic Donna-Lee Phillips.
  • A selection of texts and image-text pieces by her sometime accomplice, photographer and theorist Lew Thomas.
  • Responses to a wide variety of work, past and present, mostly British and European, by the Greek critic and curator John Stathatos.
  • Thom Harrop's interview with U.S. landscape photographer and master technician John Sexton, previously unpublished in this complete form.

    Coming on November 1:

    • The complete text of Charles Caffin's Photography as a Fine Art (1901).
    • Additional essays by A. D. Coleman.
    • Further chapters from Jacob Riis's books, with illustrations.
    • Several essays by Edgar Allan Poe.
    • Historical researches by Gary Saretzky.
    • And much more . . .

    Dozens of texts are added to this CyberArchive on a quarterly basis. We welcome recommendations for additions to this CyberArchive. The suggestions on which we can act most swiftly are those for further essays by authors already represented here, with whom we've already established working arrangements, or for material that's in the public domain. But we actively seek out work by other writers, past and present, incorporating their contributions to the literature into this repository whenever possible.

    Often, however, material that's still under copyright -- which includes much writing from 1923 on -- is unavailable for inclusion here, either because licensing fees for it are too high for our budget or else because the authors and/or their estates choose not to permit its presentation in this format. Sometimes that's because they have their own internet plans for it. In cases where pertinent material appears elsewhere online, we provide information about it on the CyberArchive Links page.

    -- Jasmine Gartner, Ph.D., Managing Editor
    Photography Criticism CyberArchive

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    by A. D. Coleman/PCCA
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