The Sepoy Rebellion prioritizes the human voice and emphasizes public performance. Though we each create work intended to communicate on the printed page, our collective purpose in TSR is to energize the social space of personal interaction with our audience creatively, through live spoken-word events. Sometimes we work from written material; sometimes we improvise.
We have recorded a number of our past performances. Presently we are reviewing that archival material, with an eye toward creating a series of CD/DVD publications making the best of those performances available. Some of us have also begun to make studio recordings of selected pieces.
As we transfer these performances from audiotape and videotape to CD and DAT masters, and generate others in the studio, we will begin to post samples here at the site. Click on the links below to hear and see TSR in action.

allan douglass coleman I j. j. hayes I marguerite maria rivas I wil wynn

Allan Douglass Coleman:
"Big Yellow House" excerpt from an improv, Café Verboten, Stapleton, Staten Island, NY, June 24, 2000. With musical accompaniment by Doug Principato and Ed Jackson. (Verboten Sessions: Tripartheid)
"Next Life" excerpt from a poem, College of Staten Island, NY, November 23, 2001. With musical accompaniment by Doug Principato and Ed Jackson. ("From mourning into morning:" TSR 9/11 Memorial Tribute)
To hear Allan perform the entirety of his sequence spine, click here.

J. J. Hayes:
"If you meet the Buddha" excerpt from an improv, Café Verboten, Stapleton, Staten Island, NY, June 24, 2000. With musical accompaniment by Doug Principato and Ed Jackson. (Verboten Sessions: Tripartheid)
"Sonnet 42" poem, College of Staten Island, NY, November 23, 2001. ("From mourning into morning:" TSR 9/11 Memorial Tribute)

Marguerite Maria Rivas:
"Eel Lover" excerpt from an improv, Café Verboten, Stapleton, Staten Island, NY, June 24, 2000. With musical accompaniment by Doug Principato and Ed Jackson. (Verboten Sessions: Tripartheid)
"Aquahunga Night Chant" excerpt from a poem, College of Staten Island, NY, November 23, 2001. With musical accompaniment by Doug Principato and Ed Jackson. ("From mourning into morning:" TSR 9/11 Memorial Tribute)

Wil Wynn:
"City Zen" excerpt from a poem, College of Staten Island, NY, November 23, 2001. ("From mourning into morning:" TSR 9/11 Memorial Tribute)
"Grief" poem, College of Staten Island, NY, November 23, 2001. ("From mourning into morning:" TSR 9/11 Memorial Tribute)
"Lip-smacking good" mpeg movie, Hayes-Rivas residence, Staten Island, NY, December 29, 2000.
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