Regrettably, due to circumstances beyond both our control and our comprehension, some of the Unanchovy develop an ailment resulting from our consumption, which you call an allergy. Apparently this can even afflict those who otherwise find us delicious and desirable. We have no solution to offer for this problem, for which we have no equivalent. (We of the Anchovy eat plankton, which we heartily recommend.)
However, should you suffer from this condition, according to experts, the most common symptoms include hives, itching, and tightness of the chest. Should you experience any of these after consuming Us, or anything more severe, we advise you to consult with your physician.
We cannot be held accountable for any harmful effects of following the recipes we offer at this website. However, we do apologize for any inconvenience that results from your enjoyment of Us. Please know that this is entirely unintentional on our part.