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The Anchovy in Literature
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Anonymous: "a little rabbit
with anchovy tails and pelicans" (20th-21st century)

The author of this apparent children's story is unknown. Like many such stories, it starts out sadly but ends well. — The Schoolmarm

Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit. He lived at the bottom of a deep, dark pit and lived on discarded anchovy tails.

. . . The anchovy tails came, as it happened, from a company that made Worcester sauce, though from the rabbit's point of view, they simply came from the Great Beyond. They arrived via a crack in the pit wall, accompanied by a trickle of gray water, and landed on his head.

To pass the time, the bunny made up stories about a band of fairy pelicans who made secret arrangements to smuggle the anchovy tails to him. . . . (For the full text, click here.)

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Illustrations © copyright 1997 by Annika Eklöf. All rights reserved.