Upcoming Public Appearances
No in-person lectures, seminars, workshops, or booksignings presently scheduled.

A. D. Coleman
Lecture topics
For a partial descriptive list of current A. D. Coleman lecture topics available for presentation at your venue, click here. To obtain more detailed information about listed events, or to arrange appearances at your school or institution, contact:
Reiko Soucoupe
Imago Lecture Bureau
P.O.B. 40078
Staten Island, NY
10304-0002 USA
e-mail: reiko at imagolectures.info
Seminars and Workshops
For a partial descriptive list of current workshops and other presentations available for presentation at your venue, click here. To obtain more detailed information about listed events, or to arrange appearances at your school or institution, contact:
Reiko Soucoupe
Imago Lecture Bureau
P.O.B. 40078
Staten Island, NY
10304-0002 USA
e-mail: reiko at imagolectures.info
Booksignings are usually arranged in conjunction with my lectures, seminars, and other public appearances. I’m always willing to inscribe previously purchased copies of my in-print and out-of-print books on those occasions, so bring your favorites along, by all means.