Through the Imago Lecture Bureau, I offer a variety of lectures available for presentation to various contituencies. These are specifically designed for and of interest to collectors, curators, teachers, historians, critics, creative writers, producers of intellectual property, and members of the educated audience for photography and media art. Among the disciplines to which they're pertinent -- in addition to photography and art -- are sociology, visual anthropology, media studies, communication theory, visual culture, creative writing, and American studies.
I have presented these lectures at colleges, universities, museums, alternative institutions and other venues around the world since 1970. These events involve no special equipment beyond a lectern and microphone, a slide projector, and (in some cases) projection equipment suited for PowerPoint presentations.
I am also open to commissions for the creation of keynote addresses and other new presentations tailored to specific occasions.
The list below includes descriptions of the lectures currently available.
- "Saga: The Making of an Exhibition." During the years 2003-2005 I curated (with Todd Brandow) the traveling retrospective exhibition Saga: the Journey of Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Photographs 1970-2005, and co-edited the accompanying monograph. This lecture provides the behind-the-scenes story of this project, including a discussion of Minkkinen's work, while also considering the curatorial process itself and the prerogatives and limitations thereof. (PowerPoint.)
- "Permitting the Forbidden: Photography as License" takes on the issue of censorship, particularly in its relation to contemporary photography, with particular attention to the question of "kiddie porn" specifically and photographs of children in general.
- "Documentary Photography Now: The Future Lies Ahead" explores the current state of documentary and its imminent future, in light of the current state of the publishing industry and the possibilities inherent in the internet and other electronic forms of communication.
- "Potlatch, Auction, and the In-between: Digital Art and Digital Audiences" looks at the current state of digital art-making activity (including digital photography) in terms of current systems for the creation and distribution of electronic communication.
- "Art and Perturbation: Creative Activity and Social Responsibility" weighs the question of the artist as citizen, the relation between the personal and the political in art, and the distinction between the political component of all art activity and the making of issue-oriented art.
To arrange to book appearances for your school, institution, or organization, contact:
Reiko Soucoupe
Imago Lecture Bureau
P.O.B. 40078
Staten Island, NY
10304-0002 USA
e-mail: imago@nearbycafe.com
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