The following list of links to sites
elsewhere on the World Wide Web has been compiled with the
special interests of the Museum of Find Arts, its
patrons and its visitors firmly in mind. All these sites
concern themselves in some way with issues of chance and
accident, in life and in art, and many address themselves
specifically to the uses of "found" material in
creative work in all media. We welcome your recommendations
of other pertinent sites, and will investigate all suggestions
and add them here when appropriate.
Like he said: "PICTUREPEOPLE is an independent artistic (monthly) e-mail project by Rüdiger Heinze (writer) and Kristofer Paetau (visual artist) without any commercial purpose. It concentrates on the human representation in found amateur photography." If you sign up for their email list, you'll get monthly sets of found photos organized around some theme (guys with fish; wedding kisses). For the archive of their offerings so far, click on the link above.
Not affiliated in any way with this Museum of Find Arts, the Museum of Found Art is a project of a "sketch comedy group," the Van Gogh-Goghs. Curated by Alan Benson, it contains some choice items.
At Lost and Frowned, you can view the Found Slide Foundation's poignant collection of 35-mm. slides that have somehow become separated from their rightful owners. Do your part to help reunite these woebegone works with their bereft makers.
This doesn't exactly qualify as "found art" in the way we use the term here, but Found Art!, "A Global Art Project Using Art to Heal the World," offers an intriguing spin on the concept: people creating and deliberately "losing" small works of art for others to find. They invite your participation.
Spencer Schaffner's Gallery of Found Objects includes found notes, found lists, found art, and more. We especially recommend his collections of notes and lists.
XIP Projects offers a small but first-rate and well-annotated collection of found art and literature.
At, Edward Q. Bridges offers a nice collection of found photographs, well-annotated.
Just exactly who has created FoundArt.Org we can't figure out, but it includes great material.
At FOUND Magazine, they "collect FOUND stuff -- love letters, birthday cards, photos, to-do lists, poetry on napkins, doodles -- anything that gives a glimpse into someone else's life." They publish a print magazine; the site samples extensively from that.
DiscardArt, which gathers works "found in thrift stores, junk shops, estate and garage sales and in the dust bin," has extensive collections by some individual artists and an assortment of anonymous/unknown works. A subsection of a site devoted to outsider art.
As a thematic, concentrated found-art collection, you can't beat the astonishing range of metal sculptures gathered by artist Raymon Elozua at Absolutely stunning. We want them all, and have begun our own search.
Germany's Joachim Schmid has, since 1986, been compiling an enormous archive of found vernacular photographic imagery (mostly German in origin) and organizing it into revealing typologies. You can sample his findings at Joachim
Schmid: Archiv, 1986-1995.
The anonymous female blogger who posts Swapatorium offers a fine collection of vernacular photography, collages made of found images, and some useful links to related sites. Check out her "Found Art Superheroes" post.
A fine collection of found photographs,
along with stories about their discovery, is archived
at Figure
One e-zine.
There's also a "Found Photos"
section in the Fixing
Shadows: Still Photography site, which concerns
historical and contemporary imagery.
The Eyeneer
Music Archives offer a good working definition of
the term "aleatory," plus portraits, biographies
and discographies of John Cage, Pierre Boulez, Karlheinz
Stockhausen and other composers who've utilized chance
methods in their work.
Cage Online concentrates on the work of Cage, whose
theories of chance in music, art, life and mushroom
hunting sparked the work of such artists as Merce Cunningham
and Robert Rauschenberg. Includes a wonderful guestbook
gathering comments about visitors' interest in Cage,
various Cage links, and an ongoing mailing-list discussion
of Cage.
World, constructed by Malcolm Humes, devotes itself
to the music and ideas of Brian Eno, whose Cage-inspired
play with chance operations and found elements have
influenced everyone from Roxy Music to David Bowie.
All kinds of material on experimental
techniques in poetry, including found poetry, at the
Poetry Center, from the Poetics Program, Department
of English, University of Buffalo. Good links section
Found/chance poetry are included
in an excitingly designed, content-rich new site, ubuweb:
visual/sound/concrete poetry. Among its offerings:
a historical survey of these approaches.
While not exactly "found
poetry," Daniel Nester's Found
Poetry: Six Exquisite Corpse Transcriptions from
a classroom exercise involve various chance elements
and make fascinating reading.
Bern Porter, the late nuclear
physicist, also published Henry Miller and probed into
chance play as a way of creating poetry and prose. For
the Bern Porter home page, Bern
Porter Improvise!, click here. The Getty Research
Institute for the History of Art and the Humanities
eventually acquired Porter's
"mail art" collection, 1953-1992, and
offers an inventory thereof. Ubu Web gives us 9
minutes and 37 seconds of Porter reading The Last
Acts of St. Fuckyou. Elsewhere there's a
"mail-interview" with Porter. And here's
a lengthy commentary
by Andrew Russ on Porter's literary work.
Chaos theory tells us that a
butterfly flapping its wings can cause a tornado halfway
across the world. By the same token, an obscure Japanese
Fluxus artist can cause the breakup of the world's most
popular rock 'n' roll band. ONOWEB
tracks Yoko's activities in the here and now, as well
as her past accomplishments. Chance/found elements have
played a role in her work since the '60s.
"Bringing the worst of art
to the widest of audiences" is the goal of the
Boston-based Museum
of Bad Art, or MOBA, which offers "Art too
bad to be ignored" -- much of it found.
And, from fabled Los Angeles,
comes the Museum
of Jurassic Technology, from whose permanent exhibits
you can learn much about such diverse, obscure and endlessly
fascinating subjects as the Stink Ant of the Cameroon
and Fruit-Stone Carving. The MJT is an educational institution
"dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and
the appreciation of the Lower Jurassic." Worthy
causes, both of them, we're sure.
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Unless otherwise credited, all text and images © copyright 1997-2005
by A. D. Coleman and the Museum of Find Arts. All rights reserved.