CyberArchive Teachers' Corner
This Photography Criticism CyberArchive has been created in part to serve the needs of teachers looking for a wide selection of texts on photography and related matters from which they can either draw readings to supplement the printed textbooks they use in their courses or else construct the complete reading list for a course.
Our goal is to serve you and your students by enhancing your course offerings with the most pertinent material from our resources. As subscribers to the CyberArchive, you and your students may browse freely through all the material collected here, using our pull-down menus and search function to locate texts relevant to your interests. However, you have other opportunities and privileges as well:
Automatic Copyright Clearance
- The Photography Criticism CyberArchive guarantees that all complete texts appearing here are either in the public domain or else have entered this CyberArchive with the permission of the author or other appropriate rights holder, who in every case has agreed contractually to the usages prescribed in our CyberArchive Rules & Restrictions. Your subscription (if it's an institutional/group one) includes the right to allow your students access to any and all of our essays online, and permits them to print out copies for their own use -- just as you can print out a working copy of any text for your own annotation and reference in classroom contexts. In effect, we remove the burden of copyright clearance, text reproduction, and distribution of copies from you, your department, your copy center, and your institutional administration. (The excerpted material in our Quotations about Photography section falls within the "fair use" exception to the copyright law, and may also be used freely by you and your students.)
CyberArchive Course Packs:
- Institutional subscribers (schools and departments within schools, museums and departments within museums, and other organizations subscribing at our group rates) can commission the Photography Criticism CyberArchive to create a special course pack or reader designed to mesh with a specific course, exhibition, symposium, or other project. If you will provide us with a syllabus or project description, we will edit an anthology of appropriate texts to which you and your licensed subscriber group will have access. This anthology will remain in the Archive thereafter, available to you and your subscriber group so long as you maintain your subscription to the CyberArchive. For this service we charge a modest one-time fee for the initial editorial work and one revision, and a small incremental fee for subsequent review and revision of the selection. Email us for details.
Distance Learning Options
- You can use this CyberArchive's Course Pack option as a tool in constructing one or more "distance learning" course offerings. Over the next 18 months, we will put in place a CyberArchive Distance Learning package that will enable you to create and post not just online reading lists but online syllabi, quizzes, and other components of courses utilizing the contents of this CyberArchive. A note to independent scholars and freelance teachers: Even if you're not affiliated with an academic institution, you can take out an institutional-level subscription to the Photography Criticism CyberArchive and thus enable both yourself and your distance-learning students to utilize its resources.
Special Requests and Recommendations
- Institutional subscribers may also request the posting (and inclusion in course packs and readers) of specific essays by CyberArchive authors that do not already appear on our menu. We will make every effort to pursue that material and incorporate it. This may not always be possible; in some cases those rights may not be available. And the speed at which we can accommodate such requests will depend, in part, on the promptness of our authors, as well as the existence of this material in digital form vs. typescript or print.
- Finally, institutional subscribers may also recommend authors whose work they believe would enhance this CyberArchive, and may also suggest to such authors that they propose their work to us for consideration. The Photography Criticism CyberArchive will respond to all such queries and suggestions from all sources.
Introducing Your Students to the
Photography Criticism CyberArchive
We have tried to make this CyberArchive as useful and user-friendly as possible for you and your students. Before introducing it to them, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with its organizational system, its methods for accessing material, and its rules and regulations. Specifically, we request that you then review with them the following areas:
- The CyberArchive User's Guide, which synopsizes the site structure, its navigational system and the available methods for locating material therein, and the login/logoff procedures.
- The CyberArchive Rules page, which outlines the privileges and responsibilities of subscribers, including the obligation not to distribute the CyberArchive password to unauthorized users.
- Our Plagiarism Advisory, which discusses the differences between citation, paraphrasing, and plagiarism. (Note: Your school or other institution may have issued its own regulations on the subject of plagiarism; take this opportunity to bring such guidelines to the attention of your students, and to refresh your own memory of them as well.) You'll also find there a link to "A Brief Citation Guide for Internet Sources in History and the Humanities" by Melvin E. Page, which will prove useful in helping them -- and perhaps you yourself -- understand how to footnote and otherwise annotate references to and quotations from material they find in the CyberArchive for scholarly purposes.
- The CyberArchive © Copyright Information page, which covers "fair use" and explains the copyright status of material in this CyberArchive.
You and your students may also be interested in our Internship and Independent Study program, which offers experience in professional-level online publishing as well as research opportunities in areas related to photography and other disciplines and media.
If you or your students have any questions concerning authorized access to the CyberArchive or any particular use of CyberArchive material, please email us with your query.
Your feedback, and that of your students, concerning both the content and structure of this CyberArchive will help us improve it for all users, and is always welcome. You can use the link immediately above, or the "Contact the CyberArchive" link in our navigation bar, for that purpose.
-- Jasmine Gartner, Ph.D. Managing Editor
Photography Criticism CyberArchive
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All contents © copyright 2003-05
by A. D. Coleman/PCCA
and the authors and artists, except as indicated.
All rights reserved.
Site design by John Alley