Photography Criticism CyberArchive: Charter Subscription Form Please circle your selection: Individual Photography Criticism CyberArchive subscriptions (for single user/single household):
Institutional Photography Criticism CyberArchive subscriptions, Level I (for up to 150 licensed users in college/university departments, museum departments, small libraries):
(Note: Once we have initiated your subscription, we will contact you with the list of books from which you can make your selection.) |
Subscriber Information First Name: __________________________ Last name: __________________________ Position/Title: __________________________ Institution: __________________________ Address: __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ City: __________________________ State: __________________________ Zip: __________________________ Country: __________________________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: __________________________ E-Mail: __________________________
Print and mail your payment with this form to the following address: CODA Enterprises |