Photography Criticism CyberArchive:
Charter Subscription Form

Please circle your selection:

Individual Photography Criticism CyberArchive subscriptions (for single user/single household):

  • $120 per year
  • $300 for three years
    • 3-year subscription includes your choice of 2 signed books by A. D. Coleman ($50 value).

Institutional Photography Criticism CyberArchive subscriptions, Level I (for up to 150 licensed users in college/university departments, museum departments, small libraries):

  • $500 per year
  • $1200 for three years
    • 3-year institutional subscription includes 5 books by A. D. Coleman ($100-$125 value), among them the comprehensive bibliography of his writings on photography 1968-95.

(Note: Once we have initiated your subscription, we will contact you with the list of books from which you can make your selection.)

Subscriber Information

First Name: __________________________

Last name: __________________________

Position/Title: __________________________

Institution: __________________________

Address: __________________________



City: __________________________ State: __________________________

Zip: __________________________ Country: __________________________

Phone: __________________________ Fax: __________________________

E-Mail: __________________________

  • Send U.S. bank check or money order (in U.S. currency only) made payable to CODA Enterprises.
  • We are presently establishing a system for secure online payment; that option will appear here as soon as it's enabled.

Print and mail your payment with this form to the following address:

CODA Enterprises
POB 40078
Staten Island, NY 10304-0002 USA