Becoming a CyberArchive Author

Are you interested in becoming a Photography Criticism CyberArchive author? Do you represent a living writer on photography, or the estate of one from the past?

If you have produced a body of writing about photography, then your work may well be eligible for inclusion in this Photography Criticism CyberArchive. If that prospect interests you, please contact us to pursue the matter.

Some basic information about our letter of agreement with authors:

  • We seek to license only online rights for inclusion of your texts in this Cyberarchive -- and on a non-exclusive basis. This means that you're free to publish your work anywhere else, in any other form.
  • You retain copyright and all other rights to your work. Your copyright notice will appear with every text you provide to the Cyberarchive.
  • We pay a modest yearly fee per word for the material we license. This fee is the same for all Cyberarchive authors. As the Cyberarchive's subscriber base expands, those fees will increase.
  • You will be paid this fee regardless of much (or how little) traffic your individual texts draw at the Cyberarchive. Fees are paid annually.
  • You agree to keep your material in the Cyberarchive for a minimum of five (5) years.

Some benefits of inclusion in the Photography Criticism CyberArchive:

  • You will receive an annual fee for the inclusion of your writing in the Cyberarchive. This fee will increase automatically whenever you add material to your section of the Cyberarchive.
  • You will receive an Author password and login ID giving you free access to the Cyberarchive for as long as your material remains therein. (Individual subscription rates are $120 for 1 year, $300 for three years.)
  • You can provide the content -- portrait, bio note, contact information, and bibliography of your writings -- for the Author's Page where your work will be featured in the Cyberarchive.
  • We will link from your Author's Page, and from each of your texts, to your email address, to your own home page, or to any other online address you request.
  • You can sell copies of your books through the Cyberarchive.
  • The Cyberarchive will pass along to you all requests for reprints and other licensing rights to your work that result from the presence of your work in the Cyberarchive.

Some questions we'll ask at the outset:

  • What subject(s) does your writing on photography address?
  • How many texts on photography do you consider making available through the Cyberarchive?
  • How many words of text do you propose to place in the Cyberarchive?
  • Are your texts book-length works or individual essays?
  • Do your texts exist in the form of digital files, published books or periodical tearsheets, typescripts?
  • Are your texts previously published or unpublished?

For more information, click here to find our CyberArchive Author FAQs.

-- Jasmine Gartner, Ph.D., Managing Editor
Photography Criticism CyberArchive

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All contents © copyright 2003
by A. D. Coleman/PCCA
and the authors and artists, except as indicated.
All rights reserved.

Site design by John Alley