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The Shepherd and the Nymph: The Erotic Letters of Marco Vassi and Eve Diana (ebook edition)

What happens when two people reject the sexual limitations of both society and their own “sensible” inner voices, and choose instead to exult in their shared sexual energy and go wherever that energy might take them? That’s what celebrated erotic writer and sexual explorer Marco Vassi and Eve Diana decided to find out when they embarked on their passionate, adventurous, yet conflicted seven-month relationship in 1986.

The Shepherd and the Nymph is the powerful, intimate, delightfully literary chronicle of that relationship, as recorded in the private letters between these two writers, twenty years apart in age, different from each other in almost every way aside from their shared fascination with sex as a compelling, fundamental aspect of what it means to be fully and unapologetically alive.

In addition to being an eloquent tale of personal and sexual exploration, The Shepherd and the Nymph is a vivid reminder of the social upheaval that came to be known as the sexual revolution, a time when all things sexual were seen as possible, intriguing, and magical – and an opportunity for Vassi aficionados to see and understand who Vassi was – his flaws as well as his genius – in ways that go beyond even his most self-revelatory other writings.


What People Are Saying About The Shepherd and the Nymph:

“Fondle this book! Marco Vassi and Eve Diana share the story of their sexy, complicated relationship in intricate and fascinating detail. Satisfying from start to finish.” – Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D, sex worker turned artist, author of The Explorer’s Guide to Planet Orgasm

“Get intimate with the great Marco Vassi and fall in love with the singular Eve Diana through these extraordinary letters – a revealing lens into their incredible erotic romance, and a time machine back to the amazing 1980s. A thought-provoking turn-on!” – Carol Queen, Ph.D, co-founder, Center for Sex and Culture, author of Real Live Nude Girl

“These letters capture a unique moment in American culture — after the sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s, and before the AIDS epidemic of the 80s and 90s. Readers go on an intensely intimate journey alongside Eve and Marco as they investigate the complex erotic world they helped create. If you want to understand that time you should definitely read this book.” – Marty Klein, Ph.D, sex therapist, author of Sexual Intelligence 

“An erotic masterpiece!” – Richard Curtis


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The Shepherd and the Nymph: The Erotic Letters of Marco Vassi and Eve Diana (print edition)

The complete 1986 erotic correspondence between erotic writer/sexual philosopher Marco Vassi and Eve Diana. (See additional description below.)     […]

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Yellow Brick Road: Steps Toward a New Way of Life

A collection of narratives, letters, poems, and songs exploring the personal experiences of the contributors in bringing alternative perspectives on work, family, marriage, sexuality, community, birth, and death into their lives. A thought-provoking anthology with a wide variety of perspectives from the alternative lifestyles movement of the 1970s. Contributors include Michael Rossman, Sherry Thomas, Jon […]

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Beneath This Calm Exterior

My most substantial published collection of poems. Includes a large section of erotic “Touchpoems.”

Red Alder Books, 1982, 92 pages, perfectbound, 0-914906-03-9

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The Erotic Impulse: Honoring the Sensual Self

This book is a wake-up call to the erotic spirit in all of us. Drawing on the insights of counselors and the wisdom of poets, The Erotic Impulse serves up a feast of thoughts, feelings, findings, and fantasies about our erotic nature.

Contributors examine how society denies and dishonors the healing power of Eros, leading […]

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