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Trump-Russia Scandal About to Hit the Fan (Palmer Report)

More insider information from Palmer Report.

Kamala Harris Does Not Mince Words

Senator Kamala Harris, referring to Rep. Raul (“Nobody dies because they don’t have health care”) Labrador: “This guy, this congressman, you might as well say, ‘People don’t starve because they don’t have food.’ What the fuck is that?” Go Kamala!

For my 2004 column praising Kamala for publicly refusing to prosecute women arrested for […]

Jackson, Missisippi, Mayoral Election Shows Hopeful Signs for the Future

A hopeful sign for the future. People are getting mobilized.

Two Grand Juries Investigating Trump-Russia Connections (Palmer Report)

Another significant post from Palmer Report ( on developments in the Trump-Russia investigation. Palmer believes that there are two grand juries reviewing the case, at least one of which is on the verge of issuing indictments, and that Michael Flynn may have already cut a deal with the FBI to testify against Trump. Palmer […]

Ivanka Trump Over-the-Top Hypocrisy

I suppose this is just business as usual, but I’m hoping hypocrisy like this will get through to at least some Trump supporters eventually.