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Angela Aguirre: How I Define My Chingona Fire

Love this!

How Mattis and Kelly Could Bring Down Donald Trump

Here’s an interesting analysis of how a Constitutional crisis could bring down Trump. I agree that Mattis and Kelly are key people to watch. Inside word seems to say they’re seriously unhappy with how things are going.

Marty Klein Debunks Common Myths about Sexuality

This is a great piece by Marty Klein – clear, direct, and accurate – debunking a series of commonly-held and commonly-cited beliefs about sex that are just plain wrong.

Mr. Trump: Here’s What You Need to Know About Sex

Potential Sexual Side Effects of Trump’s Hair Loss Drug

An amusing sidebar about Donald Trump: “The constellation of potential symptoms, sometimes referred to as post-finasteride syndrome, may include sexual, physical and psychological changes. Of these, the sexual side effects are perhaps the most extensively reported.”

Challenging the Rule of Law: The Most Serious Trump Danger

Here’s another article pointing to the most important aspects of what’s going on with the Trump cabal right now — not immigration bans, but challenging whether court orders will be followed or ignored. It’s great that so many new people have mobilized through the women’s march and the airport protests, and that the energy among […]