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Why Robert Mueller Leaked Word of Trump Obstruction of Justice Investigation

Bill Palmer ( on why Robert Mueller has leaked word that he is in fact now investigating Donald Trump for obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller just cleverly made it so Donald Trump can’t fire him

Sessions Admits to Third Conversation with Kislyak

As Bill Palmer ( notes, at one point in his testimony Jeff Sessions referred to his three alleged (rather than two belatedly admitted) conversations with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, thus confirming the meeting he so vociferously denies ever happened. Here’s the exchange:

Marco Rubio: “At any point during the campaign, did you have an interaction […]

Comey’s Testimony Was Part of His Master Counterintelligence Plan (Patribotics)

Important new inside information on James Comey’s thinking and strategy related to the Trump-Putin conspiracy, starting with when Trump threatened his job and going through his Congressional testimony yesterday. Thanks again to Patrick Andraste for turning me on to

Comey Day: ‘Meticulously Executed’ Testimony Was Counterintelligence Plan

Background Information on Louise Mensch

In response to queries, here is some background information on Louise Mensch, the person behind, taken from a story posted on the National Public Radio website at,…, which she links to from her blog. Most notably: “She was a bestselling author of books for young adults and romantic novels. She became a conservative […]

Comey Legally Taped Calls, Meetings with Trump (Patribotics)

The latest from is that, through use of Comey’s phone, with his consent, investigators have tapes of all Comey’s conversations with Donald Trump, Donald Trump, jr., and others, going back more than a year. This is seriously bad news for Trump and his cohorts.

EXCLUSIVE: Director Comey Legally Taped Calls, Meetings With Trump