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Prostitute Rights Activist Speaks Her Mind: Interview with Tracy Quan

[Tracy Quan is a writer and prostitute rights activist who is also a member and sometime coordinator of Prostitutes of New York (PONY) — the main prostitute rights organization in New York City. Her writing has appeared in Salon, Lingua Franca, the Village Voice, Urban Desires, Puritan, and numerous other publications.]



Much Thicker Than Water

True Blood, photographs by Charles Gatewood, text by David Aaron Clark. Last Gasp Books, 1997, 64 pages, large format, perfectbound, $19.95; hardbound, $40.


“All hail the vermillion We; our mingling is absolute.” — David Aaron Clark, True Blood

Who isn’t fascinated with blood? The essential life force. Draculaic source […]

Much Thicker than Water


True Blood, photographs by Charles Gatewood, text by David Aaron Clark. Last Gasp Books, 1997, 64 pages, large format, perfectbound, $19.95; hardbound, $40.


“All hail the vermillion We; our mingling is absolute.” — David Aaron Clark, True Blood


Who isn’t fascinated with blood? The essential life force. Draculaic source of […]

The Hookers Convention


Take a couple hundred prostitutes, erotic dancers, and prostitute rights activists from around the world: a gaggle of anarchistic, proudly caustic social outcasts — mostly women — who are used to being ignored, discredited, stigmatized, and dismissed, and who have a real taste and genius for stirring up the soup. Put them together with […]

The Whores of Storyville

Nobody knows much about E. J. Bellocq, an unexceptional commercial photographer who lived in New Orleans shortly after the turn of the century. He took a lot of pictures of boats to pay the rent. He was an odd, indrawn, misshapen man, hydrocephalic and a dwarf. According to another photographer who knew Bellocq, […]