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Exposed: Interview with Susie Bright



DAVID: It took me a while to figure out how to read your book because it was so different in style from other books you’ve written. This book is not a collection of essays. It’s more like hanging out with Susie Bright while she talks in a meandering way about various clusters of […]

Exposed: An Interview with Susie Bright

DAVID: It took me a while to figure out how to read your book because it was so different in style from other books you’ve written. This book is not a collection of essays. It’s more like hanging out with Susie Bright while she talks in a meandering way about various clusters […]

Saving the Pseudo-Children from Virtual Abuse


Crusaders against child pornography have long claimed that the core issue was not people having sexual fantasies about young people but the emotional and sexual abuse inherent in the creation of erotic photos of children and adolescents. Thus, for example, in a precedent-setting 1982 Supreme Court ruling, the court held that a New York […]

Weapon or Toy?


On my way to board a flight back from a conference of sexologists in Seattle, I’m surprised to hear my carry-on sex-toy bag set off the airport’s security metal detector. It usually does just fine as long as I leave my 8-inch long solid brass dildo — a Kegel exerciser some people […]

Weapon or Toy?

On my way to board a flight back from a conference of sexologists in Seattle, I’m surprised to hear my carry-on sex-toy bag set off the airport’s security metal detector. It usually does just fine as long as I leave my 8-inch long solid brass dildo — a Kegel exerciser some people […]