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Standing Up to Be Counted: Barbara Nitke Challenges John Ashcroft on S/M and Internet Obscenity (Comes Naturally #118)


“No matter how we’re wired to express love, freedom is having the courage to be who we are.” — Photographer/plaintiff Barbara Nitke


On December 11, Barbara Nitke and the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF) brought suit in New York City’s Federal District Court, seeking to have the last remaining […]

Visions of Sugar-Plums (Comes Naturally #117)


Food is sex. Sex is food. Obviously they’re not exactly the same. But, equally obviously, the two are intimately intertwined, which is hardly surprising since food and sex are, after all, our two most primal physical needs.

Hunger, nourishment, satisfaction, craving, appetite, eating, nibbling, licking, sucking, swallowing, biting, devouring, gobbling, stuffing, feasting. Are these […]

Danger, Sexual and Otherwise: Juggling Fear, Safety, and Freedom (Comes Naturally #116)


At one level, it seems reasonable enough — what Bush and Ashcroft have asked for, what Congress has granted them: Given the extraordinary nature of the attacks of September 11, given the extraordinary need of the nation to protect itself from the possibility of additional outside attacks, given the fact that we now see […]

Scattered Thoughts in a Scattered Time (Comes Naturally #115)


This isn’t going to be a regular column, but then this isn’t exactly a regular time. I don’t know if I really want to write about sex or not just now. I mean, in one sense, sex is the perfect antidote to trauma — celebrating life in the face of death — but it’s […]

Silencing the Body Electric (Comes Naturally #114)

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” — French adage

You’d think we were back in the stagnant ’50s, the way people still get all worked up whenever a little playful nudity shows up on the landscape of daily life. After fifty years of […]