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A Succulent Plum in the Big Apple: New York’s Thoughtful New Museum of Sex (Comes Naturally #128)


The question is whether it’s appropriate to put the terms “museum” and “sex” together in one descriptive title.

The New York State Board of Regents, which controls access to the official Empire State moniker of “Museum” (and, not insignificantly, to the non-profit status that accompanies state sanctification as a cultural organization), says it is […]

Surrendering to Sex (Comes Naturally #127)


Come night, be welcome.

Your peace speaks gentleness,

your closeness an inner warmth.

Come curl around my shoulders,

bring your fog if you like.

Together we’ll sip moonlight,

listen to the wind, and follow

wherever the darkness may lead


Sometimes it’s about the things they teach in the best sex ed classes, the […]

God Bless America: The Photography of Charles Gatewood (Comes Naturally #126)


Sidetripping, photographs by Charles Gatewood with text by William S. Burroughs, Last Gasp, 2002, ISBN 0-86719-442-1, perfectbound, 64 pages, $24.95.

Primitives: Tribal Body Art and the Left-Hand Path, photographs and text by Charles Gatewood, Last Gasp, 2002, ISBN 0-86719-527-4, perfectbound, 72 pages, $19.95.


Humanity i love you because you

August 30th, 2002 | Category: Comes Naturally | Leave a comment

Of Presidential Assholes and Related Erogenous Zones (Comes Naturally #125)


[Of all the Comes Naturally columns I have written, this is the only one I feel sincerely apologetic about. I post it here only to make the archive complete, and because it would be disingenuous to pretend this article doesn’t exist.]


What are we to make of the fact that the Fearless Leader […]

It’s the Sex, Stupid! (Comes Naturally #124)


It should be no secret that sex is a big political issue these days. The list of political topics related to sex in one way or another goes on and on and on. Every day, it seems, sex appears on the front page of the newspaper, and not just the San Francisco Chronicle, either. […]