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Strip Club Guys: Who Are Those Masked Men? (Comes Naturally #133)

G-Strings and Sympathy: Strip Club Regulars and Male Desire, by Katherine Frank, 2002, Duke University Press, ISBN 0-8223-2972-7, 331 pages, $19.95.


Over the past ten or fifteen years there has been some wonderfully thoughtful, insightful, provocative writing by and about sex workers of various stripes and persuasions. Dozens of prostitutes, escorts, strip dancers, lap […]

A Good Man in a Bad Time and Place (Comes Naturally #132)


“It’s a miserable business and I wish he hadn’t done it…. But this is a good man in a bad time and place, not a bad man.” — Gwynne Dyer, journalist and fan, January 20, 2003


On Monday, January 13, Pete Townshend, 57-year-old veteran rock guitarist and co-founder of The Who, was arrested […]

No Apologies: The Story of Jack McGeorge (Comes Naturally #131)


There are times, even as the world seems to be getting crazier every day, when something comes out the way it should. When something sex-related, out there in the sex-crazy world, comes out the way it should. When the forces of sensibility, honesty, and good-hearted life triumph, for once, over the forces of hysteria, […]

Sex Work for Couples: Three Is Not Always a Crowd (Comes Naturally #130)


There was a time when pornography was exclusively, or almost exclusively, for men. It was men who bought the magazines, who watched the movies. Women, it was thought, weren’t interested in that kind of sexual stimulation, at least not interested enough to actually go out and pay for it.

Over the past ten or […]

R.I.P. Gwen Araujo (Comes Naturally #129)


It’s a story that’s both news and not news.

On October 3, according to police reports, Gwen Araujo, an attractive 17-year-old with a radiant smile and a zest for life, went to a party in Newark, California, a suburban town in the San Francisco Bay Area. She drank a fair amount of beer. She […]