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“A Massive Disruption of the Current Social Order” (Comes Naturally #138)


“What a massive disruption of the current social order… This effectively decrees the end of all morals legislation. If, as the Court asserts, the promotion of majoritarian sexual morality is not even a legitimate state interest, none of the above-mentioned laws [laws against fornication, bigamy, masturbation, adultery, prostitution, adult incest, bestiality, and obscenity] can […]

Sluts Unite: The Politics and Art of the Third San Francisco Sex Worker Film Festival (Comes Naturally #137)

“It’s easy to marginalize people who are unlike you, until you look them in the eye, eat a meal with them, and see that they are real, live, breathing human beings who are just trying to be happy.” — Marco Porsia, documentary cameraman

“The desire to live was desperate in my belly, and the stories […]

Spirit Made Flesh (Comes Naturally #136)


Spirit + Flesh, 140 duotone photographs by Fakir Musafar, with introductory text by Mark Thompson, Arena Editions, 2002, 196 pages, hardbound, $50, ISBN 1-892041-57-X.


Fakir Musafar might well be called the grandfather of the body modification movement. In 1944, decades before tattooing, piercing, and other forms of body decoration were to become […]

Life to Hold Onto While Death Is Passing (Comes Naturally #135)


“In the heaving crowd, now all she could feel was a penis slowly being slipped into the opening of her skirt…. The condemned man stood on the scaffold now and the noose was put around his neck. The pain of watching him was so great that it made this touch of flesh a relief, […]

As Universal as It Gets (Comes Naturally #134)


“Security is mostly a superstition; it does not occur in nature. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” — Helen Keller


Over three years ago, in November 1999, I wrote a Comes Naturally column noting that serious discussions of transgender issues had begun to appear regularly in mainstream media. “It seems that […]