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S/M in the Media; Reaction in Britain; Of Sex Toys, Metal Detectors and Airport Metatheater (Comes Naturally #8)


S/M in the Media

I’ve been keeping a file for some time into which I throw any media s/m reference I come across. About four years ago, it occurred to me that s/m was about to become a visible presence in mainstream American culture. I predicted it would take about five years, and I […]

Tech Sex (Comes Naturally #7)


Tech Sex: For Better, For Worse

As Lisa Palac, “queen of high-tech porn” and editor of Future Sex magazine, enjoys pointing out, every new technological achievement quickly finds its way, like water flowing downhill, to a sexual application.

When the photographic process was first discovered, one of its first uses was to create enticing […]

Paraphilopolis Journal; Sex and Theater: The Duchess of Malfi and Unquestioned Integrity; Marco Vassi’s Novels Reprinted (Comes Naturally #6)


Paraphilopolis Journal

Overheard at a San Francisco coffee shop:

Young woman behind the counter: “Mikey! Good to see you! How come you never come in any more? Do I have to beat you?”

Mikey (thoughtful pause): “Beating would be nice….”

They both look over at me, a little shyly. I smile warmly, to reassure […]

On Sexual Objectification (Comes Naturally #5)


Objectification 101: How Can So Much Misunderstanding Derive from a Simple Double Entendre?

I’ve been wanting to spin some thoughts on “The Sexual Objectification of Women” for a while now, so I guess I’m glad that Layne’s last column gives me an appropriate excuse. As Spectator’s Rational Editor knows very well, and the rest […]

Cry Holy; Body of Evidence (Comes Naturally #4)

Crying Holy

I had to talk my way into the preview of Wayne Corbitt’s new play, Crying Holy. The publicity director for Theatre Rhinoceros has a policy against letting press into previews and she didn’t know Spectator from a high school newspaper or her worst image of a sleazy sex rag. It was […]