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Faces of Ecstasy (Comes Naturally #148)


Masturbation is usually a private thing.

And orgasm, that moment when everything spins so delightfully and totally out of control — your mind, your body, your face — well, that’s private, too, something you only want the most intimate and trusted of other people to see.


But now, on a sunny Sunday morning, […]

Sex Worker Self-Determination: The Lusty Lady Workers’ Coop after One Year (Comes Naturally #147)


Being part of a worker-owned, democratically-run business collective is an empowering, freeing, liberating, even revolutionary experience. It’s also emotionally complicated, time consuming, psychologically confusing, interpersonally demanding, and a lot of just plain hard work.

Especially if the people in your collective are exceptionally headstrong, independently-minded, rebellious, suspicious of authority, and generally opposed to rules […]

Not Playing by the Rules (Comes Naturally #146)


When I first read about Gavin Newsom throwing open the doors of San Francisco’s County Clerk Office to lesbians and gays, a rush of adrenaline swept over my body. It was a sensation both familiar and foreign, a feeling I remembered like an old friend I hadn’t seen in a long, long time. It […]

Dont Worry, Everything’s Under Control (Comes Naturally #145)


Oh you who must leave everything that you cannot control

It begins with your family, but soon it comes around to your soul

Well I’ve been where you’re hanging, I think I can see how you’re pinned:

When you’re not feeling holy, your loneliness says that you’ve sinned.

— Leonard Cohen


There is […]

Two Hundred Pounds of Fun (Comes Naturally #144)


Candye Kane is a marvelous blues singer whose recordings and stage shows unapologetically celebrate the sexuality of many people marginalized by mainstream culture — most notably large women, bisexuals, and sex workers. Candye, who is herself both large and bisexual, supported herself financially while her music career was getting off the ground by modeling […]