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Antisexualism: A Basic Question of Who’s Abusing Whom; Eroticism Moves Uptown at the Robert Koch Gallery (Comes Naturally #18)


Of Racism, Sexism, and Antisexualism

It happened when the issue of child abuse was finally brought to public attention. It happened, in a somewhat different way, when AIDS became an issue of national social and political concern. And it’s happening again around the issue of sexual harassment.

Again and again, an important, sex-related social […]

How the Sexual Frontier Moves into the Mainstream: Playboy and Piercing; Philadelphia and Homophobia; Tales of the City and Gay Kissing; The Latest SEXART Salon (Comes Naturally #17)


Playboy Discovers Piercing

Charles Gatewood is amazed. He shows his new book, Charles Gatewood Photographs: The Body and Beyond, to editors at HarperCollins/San Francisco and no one so much as bats an eye. Photos of piercings and tattoos, of what used to be edge people doing edge things. Nice pictures, say the HarperCollins editors.


Porn Studies at the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex: Whose Idea Was It to Let Porn Teach the Children About Sex? (Comes Naturally #16)


The Annual Meeting of SSSS

Once again I get to report on the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sex (SSSS), the largest association of sex educators, researchers, and therapists in the country. The four-day November conference in Chicago offered, as usual, a wide variety of presentations and workshops on […]

Patti Davis, Patty Hearst and Lorena Bobbitt: Guns and Knives and Bondage, Oh My! (Comes Naturally #15)


One Good Pat Deserves Another

Did you all notice the blurb in the Chronicle’s Personals column, the one about Patti Davis, ex-First Daughter, being interested in s/m? According to New York magazine, Ron Reagan’s own renegade daughter wants to be the voice that puts onto tape Anne Rice’s three classic s/m novels — The […]

Sex Paranoia in the Insurance Industry; Annie Sprinkle Meets Pieman; Cunt Art; Saudek in San San Francisco (Comes Naturally #14)



Sexual curiosities crop up in the most mundane places, at least for those of us with sensitive noses for such things. The other day I received the insurance policy on my house, and there at the end of a long list of coverages, special provisions, notices and exemptions was something called […]