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Saving Our Strippers (Comes Naturally #23)


It’s six o’clock of a Wednesday evening. I’m making my way up O’Farrell Street toward the Great American Music Hall, note pad and tape recorder in hand, to cover what’s been billed as an “interview and photo opportunity, cocktail party/fund raiser” for a group of dancers from the Mitchell Brothers’ O’Farrell Theatre calling themselves […]

Of Blood, Spandex, and Lesbian Enjoyment (Comes Naturally #22)


Hemo the Magnificent

I’ve been thinking a lot about blood lately. Wait! Don’t turn the page! Not morbidly, and not violently. Something else.

I’ve been thinking about how blood — like sex, a basic, miraculous life force — has been turned around in our consciousness, so that instead of associating blood with life most […]

Bill Clinton’s Underwear; Brazilian President Itamar Franco and the Lack Thereof; Rating Politicians on Sex; Notes from SSSS/San Diego; An Optimistic Look Forward (Comes Naturally #21)


A President and His Underwear

Maybe this is just me making something big out of something little (no, I don’t have my hand in my crotch), but I keep on thinking that something important is different, now that sex is back in the White House. I mean, it’s been over 25 years since anybody […]

Raffaelli Goes to Court; The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita Berber; Changes at Future Sex (Comes Naturally #20)


Raffaelli Update

The strange case of Ron Raffaelli, who was charged in Delano with sale and distribution of child pornography (see Comes Naturally, April 1), has begun to wend its way through the court system.

Raffaelli went to court April 8th. The good news was that the District Attorney had decided to drop the […]

Three Collisions Between Sexual Sanity and Sexual Fear: The Serious and Not-So-Serious Tales of Ron Raffaelli, Martin Keogh and Michael Rosen (Comes Naturally #19)


The Strange Case of Ron Raffaelli

Photographer Ron Raffaelli, whose joyful, celebratory imagery has been on the cutting edge of sexual photography for over twenty years, has been arrested in Kern County, California, and charged, of all things, with sale and distribution of child pornography.

Perhaps you have run into Raffaelli’s photography somewhere in […]