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Sexy Male Nudes: Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery, 1978; Collector’s Photography, 1986; Cupido’s Women Readers, 1995 (Comes Naturally #33)

Photographs of Sexy Men: What Turns Heterosexual Women On?

Cupido, the beautiful Norwegian erotic magazine I talk about so often, has done what I believe is the first survey asking predominantly heterosexual women what they like about erotic photos of men. The answers provide some interesting food for thought on what women — […]

Cupido Under Fire; Cyborgasm 2: The Edge of the Bed (Comes Naturally #32)


Porn Politics, Norwegian Style

Ralph Ginzburg learned a difficult lesson in the politics of porn, back in 1966, when he was sentenced to five years in prison for engaging in the most artful erotic publishing venture of that time, Eros magazine. Eros was a distinctly classy, if irreverent erotic magazine, “devoted to the joys […]

Erotic Transformations; Blood Rituals; Mistress Kat’s Fantasy Ball (Comes Naturally #31)


Of Blood, Fear, Pleasure, and Danger

Last June I wrote a column about my very tentative fascination with the erotic aspects of blood. I felt very exposed to be writing about blood in this way. I imagined people who read this column would start moving to the other side of a room if I […]

A Visit to San Jose’s Swing Club; Changing of the Guard at On Our Backs (Comes Naturally #30)


Field Trip to the Forum

A couple weeks back my partner and I decided to check out the Forum, the relatively new swingers place in San Jose that advertises regularly in the Spectator. I’d been getting their refreshingly down-to-earth and intelligent mailings for some time, and we’d been looking for some new sexual arenas […]

Mother Jones Rejects Michael Rosen as Pornographic; Berkeley Almost Does the Same to Good Vibrations; Federal Express Takes a Stand on Sexual Tolerance (Comes Naturally #29)


“Too Close to Pornography to Have in Our Magazine”

It’s not news, of course, that sex is a touchy subject out there in the confusion of America, but sometimes the sexual resistance comes from the damnedest places.

Thus it comes to pass that the very correct and most self-congratulating journal of progressive politics, Mother […]