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Where Sex and Religion Meet; The Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enforcement Act of 1990; Dillsberry, U.S.A.; SEXART 4 (Comes Naturally #38)

St. Matthew’s Passion

I recently stumbled across two different bumper stickers that I at first took to be statements of pro-sexual exuberance, only to realize a moment later that both were, in fact, not intended to be sexual at all but were rather statements of born-again religiosity. It’s not the first time that […]

Coast-to-Coast Cross-Fertilization; S/M Chic; Newt Gingrich; Cyberslut (Comes Naturally #37)


‘Til New York Doth Come to San Francisco

Maybe it’s just my imagination, but it seems like there’s been quite an infusion of New York people and energy into the San Francisco sexual scene of late. First Screw magazine writer David Aaron Clark switched coasts, settled into the Mission, and became the fourth columnist […]

Crime and Punishment: Hugh Grant and the Politics of Prostitution (Comes Naturally #36)

Another Fallen Angel

As I write this, the not-so-spectacular story of Hugh Grant and Divine Marie Brown is all over the newspapers and the talk shows, adding spicy excitement to conversations at beauty parlors and barber shops everywhere.

Once-adoring women are in tears, as betrayed as teenagers who discover that their damp-making idols […]

Getting Real with Teens About Sex; A Little Wholesome Sexiness on the Streets of the City (Comes Naturally #35)


Teen Sex à la Rosie Perez

I’m sitting watching the Rosie Perez special on ABC about teenagers and sex. The show has gotten a fair amount of press because it’s supposed to cut new ground in terms of talking straight to teens about sex. Perez, or one of the show’s producers, has said that […]

Sex on the Net: Thoughts on a Culture Being Born (Comes Naturally #34)

It started among a small coterie of computer nerds employed by the Defense Department, this mushrooming piece of popular technology called the Internet. Then it expanded to include the various institutions, corporations, and organizations that deal with the Defense Department, which, as you might not be surprised to learn, involves a very broad […]