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Some Thoughts on the Word Made Flesh: Sex and the Holidays; “Breaking the Waves”; Luann’s Folks in Bed (Comes Naturally #53)


Putting the X Back in Xmas

Sex should be all over the place during the Holiday Season, but of course it is not. What could be more holy? More wholesome? Most whole-making and soul-affirming? Maybe if Jesus had been a woman, if the culture of our roots had been the sort to offer the […]

By the Time You Read This Everything Will Have Changed: Some Happy Thoughts on Bill Clinton , Bob Dole, Anne Rice and Where We Seem to Be Headed (Comes Naturally #52)


Behold the Naked War Hero


“I have seen corporate America naked and it is not pretty.” — Lily Braindrop Burana on being a sex worker, September, 1993.


It’s been unusual the past few weeks: I actually look forward to groping my way down the front porch each morning, digging the paper out […]

European Perspective: Notes from a Trip to Scandinavia (Comes Naturally #51)


Just back in the country after spending three weeks in Northern Europe with my partner, Helen. It’s the trip I’ve been postponing for two years — a chance to visit the good folks at Cupido magazine on their home turf in Oslo, Norway, with some vacationing in Amsterdam, Norway, Denmark, and Germany thrown in. […]

The Fear of Touch; “Diary of a Thought Criminal” (Comes Naturally #50)


Learning to Be Afraid of Touch


Three a.m. and this is crazy

but I am full and crazy

and I want words for Dylan

asleep on cushions on the floor,

rolling because it’s three a.m.

and the lights are still on,


Dylan whose body is still whole

after six years of world,


Of City Commissions, Prostitution, and One Knight Errant’s Continuing Quest for the Holy Grail of Sexual Sanity (Comes Naturally #49)

“We hope that by going slow and being methodical we will be able to bring some sanity to this process.” — Supervisor Tom Ammiano at the press conference releasing the final report of the San Francisco Task Force on Prostitution

“The truth never hurt a cause that was just.” — Mahatma Gandhi

