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Girls Will Be Boys (Comes Naturally #63)


Reviving the All-American Hero(ine)

Ok, I have to admit it: I got seriously tweaked when I went to see G.I. Jane.

I thought I was the all-time lover of irony. The deeper the better. The stranger the apparent contradictions, the greater my glee. I loved Silence of the Lambs because Hannibal Lector (Anthony Hopkins), […]

Of Penises, Nipples, and Harper’s Magazine; Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld’s Museum of Sexology; Mark I. Chester’s Sexart 5 (Comes Naturally #62)


In the Garden of Tabloid Delight

“Sex and Americans: Our recent parade of sexual scandal can best be seen not as a set of moral lessons but as a series of entertainments. Among people accustomed to living in a haze of quasi-pornographic images, who can pretend to be truly shocked that the President of […]

Humane Views of Prostitution Come to Broadway and Television News; S/M Chic Takes a New Turn (Comes Naturally #61)


A New Prostitution Musical Comes to Broadway

I was just in New York for a week, and while I was there I went to see The Life, the latest in what seems to be a grand tradition of Broadway musicals about street prostitution. I don’t really know all the details about the previous shows […]

Maintaining the Myths of Monogamy, Military and Otherwise (Comes Naturally #60)


Military Monogamy on the Line

It is, you might say, the classic case of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object: The basic urge to be sexual with someone other than your spouse — adultery, to use the Biblical term, or extra-marital sex, speaking therapoclinically — meets the intractable attitudes, the Judeo-Christian harrumph, and […]

Kissed Kisses Where Crash Crashes; Erotic by Nature Seized by British Customs (Comes Naturally #59)


Embracing Passion and Obsession: A Crash Course in Kissing

Of course I went to see Kissed the first night it came to town. The trailers for the film looked positively compelling, after all, and the issue — the erotic component of death — is pretty compelling in its own right, and deliciously forbidden to […]