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The Odd Ways We Get to Talk More Freely About Sex (Comes Naturally #68)


An Elegant Game of Media Chess

I never thought I’d see the day when Mike Wallace would be offering the word “pussy” to the world of serious television news, but there it was.

It was Sunday, February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day, and Sixty Minutes was doing a background report on Vernon Jordan, […]

This Thing We Call Sex (Comes Naturally #67)


Questions at the Solstice

It’s that holiday/solstice/new year time again. Each year, one way or another, the time of the dark of the sun seems to inevitably put me in some kind of philosophic mood, stepping back to look at some kind of “larger picture.” This is when I feel obliged to take stock […]

There Once Was a Union Maid… (Comes Naturally #66)


There once was a union maid

Who never was afraid

Of the goons and ginks and the company finks

And the deputy sheriffs that made the raids.

She went to the union hall

When a meeting it was called

And if the company boys came around

She always stood her ground.

— old union […]

Embracing the Transsexual Menace (Comes Naturally #65)


Another Radical Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Maybe it’s just me, but over the past few months, it seems that every time I turn around there’s something new in the mainstream media about transsexuals. I’m not talking about transsexual hookers showing up on tv talk shows, set up so the audience can cluck their […]

Sexual Performance Art and Community: Two Gatherings of the Tribe; In Memory of Don Crane (Comes Naturally #64)


A Benefit for Cuir Underground

There were two consecutive evenings of sexual performance and celebration last week, the kinds of events that make sexual San Francisco the unique cultural climate that it is. If you weren’t at one or both, I want you to know that you really missed something because events like these […]