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Some Room of their Own: Dancers Win Claim Against Mitchell Brothers, Organize in Anchorage (Comes Naturally #73)


O’Farrell Dancers Win Huge Settlement from Mitchell Brothers

After seven years of difficult and often brutal legal confrontation, erotic dancers at the Mitchell Brothers O’Farrell Theater in San Francisco have reached a settlement in their suit against the club. Under the terms of the settlement, over 500 current and former employees of San Francisco’s […]

Cybersex Access: Power to the People (Comes Naturally #72)


Arousal, Entertainment, and Information

Someone has begun to collect information about sexual uses of the Internet and the news, although not exactly scientific, is at least encouraging. People, it seems, use the Internet for sexual purposes. Lots of people. But, generally speaking, not in the compulsive, destructive, dangerous ways that keep grabbing newspaper headlines, […]

The Proud Sexual Roots of San Francisco (Comes Naturally #71)


A Sex-Historical Tour

Playboy senior editor James Petersen came to San Francisco a few weekends ago, in the role of tour guide. Petersen gave up his long-standing post as the Playboy Advisor to focus on writing a “History of the Sexual Revolution” that has been appearing in Playboy for the past two years. Now […]

Victoria Woodhull, Women’s Suffrage, and the Politics of Free Love (Comes Naturally #70)


Lessons of the Past

Oh, the things about history they don’t teach you in school!

I’ve just finished reading Other Powers, Barbara Goldsmith’s wonderful book on the life and times of “the scandalous” Victoria Woodhull, and let me tell you it’s one delightful foray into the intricacies of how national political policy is affected […]

To Be Fully Alive or Not to Be That Is the Question: Dangerous Beauty; Bent; Jock Sturges Under Attack; Sex in Taxicabs (Comes Naturally #69)


A Life Without Compromise

In 1583, Veronica Franco was the most famous and sought-after courtesan among the pleasure-loving aristocracy of Venice. She was a brilliant thinker, a published poet and, according to historians Bonnie Anderson and Judith Zinsser, “concerned about the plight of other prostitutes, those not as fortunate as she was. She petitioned […]