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The Sexual Family (Comes Naturally #78)


I’m at a party for some particularly noteworthy stage-of-life commemoration, a large and ceremonial gathering of maybe 50 or 75 people. I don’t know exactly which occasion it is. Maybe it’s my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. Maybe it’s my mother’s 75th birthday. Some round number event that calls for a larger-than-usual gathering of the […]

To Ship a Photograph: Craig Morey, Nudity, and DHL Worldwide Express (Comes Naturally #77)


Photographer Craig Morey wanted to send four of his fine art prints to a publisher in England. He took them to the office of DHL Worldwide Express in Cincinnati, filled out the paperwork, and sent them on their way.

Morey is a well-known photographer whose work has been published and exhibited in many parts […]

Not a Farce: Adrian Lyne Brings a Complex Lolita to the Screen (Comes Naturally #76)


The first review I read of Adrian Lyne’s film, Lolita, shortly before it premiered on Showtime early in August, 1998, was by Barbara Shulgasser in The San Francisco Examiner. Shulgasser hated the film. She hated it, in her own words, because Lyne refuses to treat Lolita as a “comic character study,” which is what […]

My Karma Has Just Run Over My Dogma: Addressing the Sexual Conflicts of Feminist Men (Comes Naturally #75)


Ironically enough, one of the clearest expressions I have heard of the sexual dilemma facing men who define themselves as feminist came from an outspokenly feminist woman. She was speaking about her own difficulty in integrating her feminist beliefs with her sexual desires.

“I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” she said early […]

Viagra and the Pursuit of Perfection (Comes Naturally #74)


Helen saw it coming long before I did. When the first reports began to appear in the press of an easy-to-take drug that could effectively treat men who were unable to have erections — a good year before Viagra hit the drug stores — Helen said that this drug was going to change the […]