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Art and the Eroticism of Puberty (Comes Naturally #83)


[The following talk was part of a plenary panel on this subject at the Western Regional meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, April 24, 1999. SSSS is the principal organization of professional sex educators, counselors, and therapists in the U.S. Other panel members were photographer Jock Sturges (Radiant Identities; The […]

To Thine Own Self Be True (Comes Naturally #82)


“Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” — Judy Garland


I have just finished an exquisitely simple, yet complexly wonderful and moving book. The book is a collection of personal stories, written by relatives of transgendered people. Ostensibly it is about the various ways each […]

Decorating the Temple of God (Comes Naturally #81)


Six years ago, my partner Helen decided to get a tattoo. I was amazed at how quickly and matter-of-factly she went through the process — making the decision to get the tattoo, knowing what she wanted and where on her body she wanted it, finding a tattooist she liked, and then actually and irrevocably […]

The Sixties and the Eroticization of Everyday Life (Comes Naturally #80)


They tell us the Sixties came and went — a mysterious time of social aberration that vanished as mysteriously as it appeared — like a good (or bad) dream, a fleeting hallucinogenic vision, or some equally unexplainable collective psychotic episode. If we believe the media moguls, whatever the Sixties may have been, they are […]

Libido et Veritas (Comes Naturally #79)


There are forces at work in the world that are bigger than you or me. They are bigger than any of the little people like you and me, bigger than any of the big, powerful movers and shakers, bigger (even) than all the movers and shakers combined.

History is one such force. Nature is […]