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The “Sex Guru”: A Sordid (and Not-So-Sordid) Tale (Comes Naturally #88)


The Sordid Tale

There once was a guy from India named Rajneesh. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, more precisely. If you’re old enough, you may remember him. He had quite a following in the U.S. for a while there, back in the early 80s.

Rajneesh came to the U.S. in 1981 from his ashram in Poona, […]

Saving the Pseudo-Children from Virtual Abuse (Comes Naturally #87)


Crusaders against child pornography have long claimed that the core issue was not people having sexual fantasies about young people but the emotional and sexual abuse inherent in the creation of erotic photos of children and adolescents. Thus, for example, in a precedent-setting 1982 Supreme Court ruling, the court held that a New York […]

Celebrating the Great Celebrator — and a Brief Apology (Comes Naturally #86)


James Broughton, one of the great and long-standing lights of unequivocal erotic celebration, died in Port Townsend, Washington, on May 17th. His body was 85 years old, his ecstatic wisdom about the same. His spirit was something akin to an everlasting 17.

Broughton lived most of his life in and around San Francisco. He […]

Celebrations of Diversity (Comes Naturally #85)


She Has a Girlfriend Now

It’s about as All-American as it gets in Santa Cruz: the year-end talent show at Branciforte Junior High, one of two in the Santa Cruz city school system. “Party of the Millennium” it’s called, and by the time we find our way to the gym early in the afternoon, […]

Naked Libido (Comes Naturally #84)


Marianna Beck and Jack Hafferkamp, my good friends at Libido magazine, have just published their first book of photographs, a collection of both black-and-white and color work they have winkingly titled Naked Libido. Edited by Marianna, Naked Libido offers three very different and unique photographic portfolios, each the work of one of Libido‘s favored […]