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The Government and Anti-Drug TV; A Golden Globe for Brandon Teena (Comes Naturally #93)


When the Price Is Right

I think this sort of thing started back in 1949. At least that’s the earliest example I can remember just now. What I remember is that back then, at the dawning of what was to become the pastel 50’s, Ralph Edwards, host of the radio game show Truth or […]

With the Intent to Sexually Arouse (Comes Naturally #92)


The Difference Between Nude and Nude

The city of Erie, Pennsylvania, is unhappy about its strip clubs. Of course, Erie is not alone in this regard. Lots of municipalities are unhappy about their strip clubs, ranging from small towns in Iowa to the Big Apple itself. If you’re of a mind to keep track […]

How Many XXX’s Does It Take to Spell Millennium? (Comes Naturally #91)


As you are certainly more aware than is humanly reasonable, the digital counter on the grand temporal odometer in the sky is about to roll over from 1999.9999 to 2000.0000. In the larger scheme of things, as we all know, this means nothing whatsoever. Nature wastes little attention on the arbitrary boundaries that humans […]

Forward Motion (Comes Naturally #90)


During the one-hour flight from San Jose to Burbank I try to get clear on why I am on this plane, on my way to a conference that I know almost nothing about.

I know that the conference, titled “Forward Motion,” will be an international gathering of female-to-male transsexuals, together with their friends, lovers, […]

Sexual Photography Comes of Age (Comes Naturally #89)


There is a quiet little revolution brewing in the world of art photography: People are starting to make photos — imaginative, artful, complex, perceptive photos — of sex. Unlike other photos that have long been part of the art photography world, these are not photos where sex tiptoes around the edges, or makes its […]