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Where I Leave Off, Where You Begin (Comes Naturally #98)


“I am not sure where I leave off, where you begin

is there a difference, here in these soft permeable membranes?”

— Lenore Kandel


“In the end, we are all really making love to ourselves.”

— Marco Vassi


“If I Had Breasts…”

“I don’t know how girls can stand it. If I […]

The Ladies of Rylstone (Comes Naturally #97)


In 1984, a group of decidedly proper, middle-aged women in Kensington, California, decided to meet together to talk about the role of eroticism in their lives. They read well-known authors like Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin. They checked out magazines like Penthouse, Chic, and Playgirl. They told each other what they found erotic and […]

Without a Room of One’s Own (Comes Naturally #96)


“There are times when a man needs to be alone.”

This was the mock slogan of a mock campaign to keep Oberlin College from removing the doors from toilet stalls in men’s bathrooms on campus. It was a comedy skit broadcast over WOBC, Oberlin’s exceedingly ingrown campus radio station.

The skit was a joke, […]

Sex/No-Sex: the Medium Is the Message (Comes Naturally #95)


Is it sexual or isn’t it?

Seems like an innocent enough question. But the assumption that sex is like an electrical switch — either on or off — is about as wrong as you can get. And the corollary practice of formulating rules based on this on-off notion of sex is a road that […]

In the Eye of the Beholder: Keeping Beauty Away from the Beast and Sex Away from the Rest of Everyday Life (Comes Naturally #94)


The issue of images of the body that people find offensive just won’t stay out of the news. Several years ago, it was the radical sex photography of Robert Mapplethorpe and the adolescent nudes of photographer Jock Sturges. More recently, it’s been the availability of sexual pictures on the Internet, Jock Sturges again, and […]