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“The Largest Gathering of Transgendered People in the World” (Comes Naturally #103)

“You are attending the largest gathering of transgendered people in the world,” Maxwell Anderson, co-chair of Atlanta’s Southern Comfort Conference, announces to conference registrants gathered for lunch.

It is only the second day of the four-day conference, but already conference organizers have closed conference registration at 675. Already the all-Conference events are filling […]

Live Nude Girls Unite! (Comes Naturally #102)

[Live Nude Girls Unite! written and directed by Julia Query and Vicky Funari, 16mm, color, 70 minutes, First Run Features, 2000.]


In April, 1997, after a long and difficult struggle, the dancers and support staff at San Francisco’s Lusty Lady peep show theater voted to join Local 790 of the Service Employees […]

Pornographic Rites of Passage: Three Adolescent Tales of Literary Discovery and the Power of Erotic Imagination (Comes Naturally #101)

“Everything I know I learned from porn.”

— T-shirt slogan


1. The Rosy Crucifixion

“‘There now, there now,’ she said, pressing me to her and cooing. ‘Put your head on my shoulder. That’s it. My, but you have a tender heart!’

“Ridiculous as it was, it felt good to give way on […]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Comes Naturally #100)


There’s a lot of pornography I don’t like. There’s a lot of pornography I find disturbing. There’s a lot of pornography I find offensive. There’s a lot of pornography I think the world would be better off without.

There, I’ve said it. Call me whatever names you will.

In these times when so many […]

Of Sex, Honor, Power, and Control (Comes Naturally #99)


Women’s Sexuality: For Women or For Men?

Perhaps the most fundamental of all the issues raised by the women’s movement for equal rights is the struggle for women to gain the right of sexual autonomy. Sexual autonomy means the right of every woman to fully inhabit her personal sexual feelings and desires, to pursue […]