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Hedwig’s Angry Inch (Comes Naturally #113)

“Is the world ready for Hedwig?” reviewer Stephen Holden muses aloud in The New York Times, before joining the near-unanimous chorus of critical praise for Hedwig and the Angry Inch, John Cameron Mitchell’s inspiring new film. The answer, I daresay is, “Yes, indeed.”

After winning two major awards at the Sundance Film Festival, […]

Photographing Sex (Comes Naturally #112)

“Depart not from the path which fate has you assigned.” — fortune cookie message


I have always thought of myself as a word person. I love words. I love language. I love the ways that carefully chosen language can communicate nuances about everything from objective logic to the most subjective of emotions.


A Gender Odyssey (Comes Naturally #111)

In October, 1999, I attended my first large transgender conference — a gathering of some 400 people, mostly female-to-male (FTM) transsexuals, in Burbank, California. The conference, titled Forward Motion, moved me deeply and raised a number of questions that have been churning around in me ever since.

What does it mean to be […]

Last Macarena in Vegas (Comes Naturally #110)

Wayne Wang’s heart is essentially in the right place. He knows how thoroughly sex workers get stereotyped in mainstream media and he is determined to avoid the familiar type-casting, both positive and negative. There will be no sex worker as pathetic victim in his new film, The Center of the World, no sex […]

Oh, Them Dirty Pictures (Comes Naturally #109)

It only took Yahoo a couple of days to get the picture in no uncertain terms: There are two sides of the tracks, the sex side and the no-sex side, and you’ve got to choose which one you’re going to call home; no straddling allowed.

It was an act that a few would […]