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The PG&E Fire at Polk and O’Farrell


When the PG&E electrical fire broke out at the corner of Polk and O’Farrell Streets, Friday morning, June 6, I was in a corner apartment directly above the intersection. The power went out and I looked out the window to see if others had lost power too. There was black smoke coming out of […]

A Photographic Remembrance of San Francisco’s Same-Sex Marriage Revolt


The California Supreme Court has issued the ruling that everyone expected, affirming the constitutionality of Proposition 8.

Surely, with organizing work and effort, Proposition 8 will be reversed by voters next chance they get. California progressives were taken by surprise by the money and effort poured into Proposition 8 by the Mormon and Catholic […]

Seattle’s Grand Celebration of Art and Eroticism


Deborah Alma Wheeler, Pussy Purse

It’s a sad truth, and something hard for me as an erotically patriotic San Franciscan to admit, but the most significant and exciting fine art erotic event in the U.S., year after year, takes place not in San Francisco but in Seattle, home of the Seattle […]

The Truth about


If you were to take seriously Matt Smith’s inflammatory SF Weekly article on (“Whipped and Gagged — Is Government Spending Obscene?”), you would think that all sorts of nefarious things are going on at the huge old armory at 14th and Mission that is’s home.

Smith claims that — which turns […]

Of Oprah, Daughters, Sex, and Vibrators


Oprah and sex educator Laura Berman set a new flurry of startled/delighted controversy into motion last week with a series of shows focused on how, when, and whether parents should talk to their kids about sex.

Of course this is nothing new for either Oprah or Laura Berman, but the show cut interesting ground […]