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Judiciary Committee Con sidering Articles of Impeachment (Patribotics)

Impeachment of Donald Trump is a long way from happening, but surprisingly the process has reportedly already formally started (see the report below, from two reporters whose sources have turned out to be correct repeatedly in recent weeks). According to this report, Trump has already been notified by the Supreme Court.

If this is true, the first step is for articles of impeachment to be reported out by the House Judiciary Committee, which consists of 17 Democrats and 24 Republicans. Four Republicans would have to vote with the Democrats to send articles of impeachment to the full House.

The four Republicans that Palmer Report considers most likely to support impeachment (see for reasons) are Ron DeSantis (Florida), Mike Bishop (Michigan), Mike Johnson (Louisiana) and Darrell Issa (California). Arch-conservative Issa has already started dissociating from Trump in recent statements. You can reach the four of them through the Congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121.

The chances of Trump being impeached by the full House and 2/3 of the Senate are slim, but the chances of him resigning as that process proceeds (as Nixon did) are real. Trump has made a habit of jumping off his sinking ships in the past.

EXCLUSIVE: Judiciary Committee Considering Articles of Impeachment

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