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FISA Court Issues Sealed Indictment of Trump (Palmer Report)

Palmer Report says that sources that have been consistently reliable on these matters over the past weeks and months hear that the FISA court has issued a sealed indictment against Donald Trump. Not his people, but Trump himself. This is not hard fact, but the sources are good ones, so worth taking seriously. Read Palmer’s […]

Why Republicans Will Want Trump Impeached, but Not Democrats

An interesting article about why Republicans may come around to supporting Trump’s impeachment — and why Democrats may want to keep him in office.

The FBI Rank-and File Goes to War with Donald Trump

More Palmer Report digging behind the scenes. Bottom line is that the FBI seems to be taking Trump on big time (bigly) across the board (Russia, money laundering) in response to Comey being fired. I think these next couple of weeks are going to be fun to watch.

Was the FBI targeting Donald Trump with its Annapolis raid today? Here’s what the evidence says.

Trump-Russia Scandal About to Hit the Fan (Palmer Report)

More insider information from Palmer Report.

Kamala Harris Does Not Mince Words

Senator Kamala Harris, referring to Rep. Raul (“Nobody dies because they don’t have health care”) Labrador: “This guy, this congressman, you might as well say, ‘People don’t starve because they don’t have food.’ What the fuck is that?” Go Kamala!

For my 2004 column praising Kamala for publicly refusing to prosecute women arrested for […]