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Judiciary Committee Con sidering Articles of Impeachment (Patribotics)

Impeachment of Donald Trump is a long way from happening, but surprisingly the process has reportedly already formally started (see the report below, from two reporters whose sources have turned out to be correct repeatedly in recent weeks). According to this report, Trump has already been notified by the Supreme Court.

If this is […]

Can You Say President Hatch?

Hints of falling dominoes (an optimistic view of the future):

(1) Trump’s disapproval rating among Republicans has jumped from 16% to 23% in the most recent Reuters/IPSOS poll, with only 75% of Republicans approving of him. These are key numbers to watch. When Trump’s base collapses he will be left with no threats to wield […]

Trump Bodyguard Reveals Jim Mattis’s Private Cellphone Number

Hard to choose, but this is my favorite White House story of today:

On Tape: Trump Offering to Trade Sanctions Relief for Russian Aid with Election (Patribotics)

Here is the story from on the existence of a tape on which Donald Trump explicitly offers Putin a shift in US policy on sanctions in return for hacking related to his election. Patribotics is also the blog reporting on the issuance of a FICA indictment to Donald Trump. Thanks to Patrick Andraste for […]

Great charles Bukowski Quote

“Can you remember who you were before the world told who you should be?” — Charles Bukowski.

Great quote, posted to FB this morning by my good buddy Tim Carmody. Thanks, Tim!