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Ivanka Trump Over-the-Top Hypocrisy

I suppose this is just business as usual, but I’m hoping hypocrisy like this will get through to at least some Trump supporters eventually.

More from Palmer Report on Unfolding Trump-Russia Story

Latest insight from the Palmer Report. Follow them on FB if you want to understand the Trump-Russia connection as it unfolds. Palmer has been weeks and months ahead of mainstream media on aspects of the story over and over again. You can also subscribe at to get email notices of new posts.


Four Photos Plus Public Disgrace Installation at Seattle Erotic Art Festival 2017

I’m pleased to announce that I will be participating again this year in the Seattle Erotic Art Festival. I will have four of my couples photos in the show this year, as well as an installation exhibiting over 250 of images taken at Public Disgrace video shoots from

I have had my photography accepted […]

Rudy Giuliani Has Flipped on Donald Trump (Palmer Report)

Have You BeenTying Your shoes Wrong All Your Life?

Forget about Donald Trump and North Korea’s upcoming nuclear test. Here’s something that’s really important. If you’re right-handed I bet you’ve been doing this wrong all your life.