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My Brush with Mr. Death

I’m now carless. Here’s the story:

It was Friday afternoon, June 30, about 5:30 on a lovely, sunny day. I was heading home to pack and otherwise prepare for my departure Monday evening to France for the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles — to which my complimentary plane ticket and hotel room had […]

Privacy in the Public Eye

Regular readers of this column surely know that, generally speaking, I stand against censorship and in defense of photographers’ inquiries into many aspects of both public and private life. They also know that I draw some lines, as in the case of the posthumous publication in 1996 of Diane Arbus’s pictures (made circa 1970) of […]

Public Tolerance and the Picture Press

Celebrity-mourning appears to enjoy an extremely short half-life, if we gauge it by the rapid decline in commemorative oomph of public “outpourings of grief” over the 1997 death of Princess Diana and the 1999 demise of John F. Kennedy, Jr. The muted and minor attention paid to them on their anniversaries this year suggests an […]

Diana’s Death, Revisited

Having commented in this space a year ago about the media feeding frenzy over the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr., I thought I’d come at that question from a different angle. This rumination is prompted by the imminent third anniversary of the death in Paris of Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed on August 3, […]

Troubadours of the Harbor

The most distinctive form of entertainment Staten Island can call its own doesn’t actually take place anywhere on the Island proper, but rather traveling to and from it: the performances you catch on the Staten Island Ferry, whose quantity and variety always increase dramatically as the weather gets warm. We’re heading into prime season for […]

Not a Pretty Picture

When I was growing up small and skinny in New York City, prey to the aggressive males of my species and an avid reader of escapist fantasies, one location where these aspects of my risky boyhood social situation coalesced were the advertising back pages of comic books. There — amid the sales pitches for “X-ray […]

Pluralism on the Infobahn

When we speak of the emerging global culture, a term that pops up frequently is pluralism. What exactly do we mean by it?

Years ago, in any of the boroughs of New York City, when you told a friend that you knew “a nice little ethnic restaurant” in the neighborhood, the term stood for a […]

Y2K? Y2K+1? YNot?

Let’s face it, people: The next two years look to be pretty much a wash. Don’t expect to get a whole lot of work done, and you best bring a lunch.

The folks who can’t count assumed that the present millennium ended at the very stroke of midnight this coming December 31st. Many of them […]

The Geezer Geeks are Here

The computer industry is missing a serious bet. Because we geezer geeks aren’t just coming, we’re already here. Our ranks swell daily. Pretty soon — you read it here first — there’ll be an AARP recruiting booth at the Mac and PC fairs; they’re too savvy to ignore such a trend. Now hear this: The time to start planning Geezer Geek Expo has arrived. […]

The Geezer Geeks are Coming

Trust me on this: The AARP — the American Association of Retired Persons — knows where you live.

I don’t care how out of the loop, insignificant, or well-hidden you think you are; turn fifty in the U.S. of A. and, within a week of your birthday, you’ll receive by mail your first of many […]