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Holocaust Envy

An acquaintance of mine, Geoffrey F., who lives in Köln, Germany, once suckered me into a long argument about the Holocaust — not about the event itself, but mostly about how many Jews seemed to have a proprietary relationship to the word, an unwillingness to share it with groups who’d undergone different but terrible catastrophes […]

Smoking Gun: The Tobacco Industry and Me

Your encounter with nicotine, and your indoctrination into the culture of nicotine addiction, began the moment you flew the gestational coop; you were birthed into a world of cigarette smoke, cigarette smokers, and cigarette merchandising. However long thereafter you picked up your first coffin nail, you’d not only been exposed to endless cubic yards of second-hand smoke, but to years of omnipresent, incessant pro-smoking propaganda. Don’t think for a minute that the decision to light up was entirely your own. […]

On Citizenship

I meet far too may people who just can’t be bothered to vote; and I, in turn, can’t be bothered with them, can’t take seriously their complaints about the status quo. Participatory democracy is not a spectator sport. They’re choosing to be part of the problem instead of part of the solution. For me, voting is not just a right but a privilege, an obligation, an imperative. […]

Bye-bye, Miss American Pie

It was embarrassing to have Susan Molinari introduced at the ’96 Republican Convention as an Islander, all smug and smarmy as she pimped for that great American hero Bob Dole. I dread the thought that she’ll be one of those unfortunate things for which the Island is perpetually known — like the landfill, except worse. […]