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The Geezer Geeks are Here

The computer industry is missing a serious bet. Because we geezer geeks aren’t just coming, we’re already here. Our ranks swell daily. Pretty soon — you read it here first — there’ll be an AARP recruiting booth at the Mac and PC fairs; they’re too savvy to ignore such a trend. Now hear this: The time to start planning Geezer Geek Expo has arrived. […]

The Geezer Geeks are Coming

Trust me on this: The AARP — the American Association of Retired Persons — knows where you live.

I don’t care how out of the loop, insignificant, or well-hidden you think you are; turn fifty in the U.S. of A. and, within a week of your birthday, you’ll receive by mail your first of many […]

Golden Boy as Camera Fodder

No one paid closer attention to the media feeding frenzy surrounding the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. than Steven Brill. In his analysis of the press coverage of that event in his new magazine, Brill’s CONTENT (“Curiosity vs. Privacy,” October 1999),1 the eponymous periodical’s chairman and editor-in-chief considered and critiqued the media’s increasing intrusion […]

A Good Thought for Andy Sipowicz

It was easy to mourn the “death,” in the winter of 1998, of Bobby Simone, the sweet-eyed detective who passed away prematurely of heart failure on NYPD Blue.

For those who watch this series regulary, Simone (played by Jimmy Smits) was the obvious hero: big, hunky, tender-hearted, caring, loving, miraculously uncompromised and uncontaminated by the […]