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Teaching Matters

If you want your students’ love, or need it in order to communicate with them, you’re in deep poop from the git-go. […]

Mr. Democracy

“Does the once-victim interrupt himself and leave at his own stop? Or does the man finally exhaust his anger, let it go after all those years, maybe even take the other to dinner — in order to ask him, over coffee and pie, ‘How did we come to this? What system has put us at each other’s throats?'” […]

Mud Pie

Remember this: You are an animal. You have always been an animal. You will remain an animal. You will die an animal. Driving a car, reading Kant, talking on your cellular phone, you did not depart the animal kingdom. Consider the alternatives: vegetable, mineral. Why not be what you are, delightedly, without reservation? […]

Slices from the Jazz Life

The impact of the music called jazz on artists in all media, on those committed to the exercise of creative intelligence in all its manifestations, and on the average citizen, has yet to be thoroughly annotated, much less examined in depth. Perhaps the time has come for us to begin to bear witness to what this music and the everyday people who make it have meant in all our lives over the course of this century. […]

Bigger Ain’t Necessarily Better, but It’s Still Bigger

Joe Conason of the New York Observer refers to Staten Island as “the city’s smallest and remotest borough.” Staten Island measures in at approximately 68 square miles, making it almost three times as large as Manhattan. One assumes, charitably, that this young reporter simply does not know the not-insignificant difference between “smallest” and “least populous.” […]

Bye-bye, Miss American Pie

It was embarrassing to have Susan Molinari introduced at the ’96 Republican Convention as an Islander, all smug and smarmy as she pimped for that great American hero Bob Dole. I dread the thought that she’ll be one of those unfortunate things for which the Island is perpetually known — like the landfill, except worse. […]