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Scratch a Good American (part 2)

(Continued from the March issue. In the first part of this tale, I recounted some of my experiences on a summer 1988 group tour the Soviet Union, and the experience of one member of the group, Ari, a 14-year-old from the U.S. of Jewish descent, at Babii Yar, site of a mass grave for 200,000 […]

Scratch a Good American

From the daily press, the radio, the tv and the Internet comes the constant updating of changes in eastern Europe: disintegration, upheaval, power structures collapsing and reforming, old boundaries coming down, new ones going up. And, underneath it all, an ominously familiar drone: a steady rise in the incidence of anti-Semitism in the former Soviet […]

ONCE, in Madrid (for J. F.)

“Joan,” I asked my friend as we walked the streets of Madrid on an early evening in late winter, “why does it say ‘ONCE’ on all the kiosks here?”

Joan stopped to look at me. “‘Once’? It says ‘Once’ on a kiosk?”

“Not just one kiosk, Joan,” I told him. It says ‘ONCE’ on every […]

Teaching Matters (More)

I’m trying to describe a theater of teaching and learning that had enormous impact on me and in some important ways shaped my own sense of the dramaturgy of the classroom. I internalized that version of the classroom as theater just before a series of major stylistic changes in education began — changes that generated new kinds of teachers and students as well. […]

Slices from the Jazz Life

The impact of the music called jazz on artists in all media, on those committed to the exercise of creative intelligence in all its manifestations, and on the average citizen, has yet to be thoroughly annotated, much less examined in depth. Perhaps the time has come for us to begin to bear witness to what this music and the everyday people who make it have meant in all our lives over the course of this century. […]